The need to promote an educational environment for the learner and educator is the primary concern of the school. Disregard for this ethic now requires all learners – after concern expressed by fellow learners, staff and the School Governance Council – to sign the Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is a guiding basis on how learners are expected to conduct themselves generally at the school. All learners and parents must sign this code of conduct before he/she will be allowed to register. The schools Disciplinary Committee and the School Governing Body shall deal with all learners found in breach of any of the principles.
- To contribute to a constructive educational environment at school that will ensure the learner population enjoy a holistic education in terms of the South African Schools Act. This implies that no learner has the right to disturb, halt or retard another learner’s right of being taught by the teacher/educator.
- To observe the school’s dress code which is as follows:
BOYS: Summer Long grey trousers, plain white shirt, official school tie, black school shoes. Should a learner’s shoes be broken, a letter must be submitted to the office on the day before entering the school. Hair should be short on top and short until shirt collar at the back. NO streaked or dyed hair, Navy blue V-neck jersey and blazer (Compulsory Throughout the year) No other clothing is allowed. This will be confiscated.
Winter Same as summer together with school rain jacket,
GIRLS: Summer Summer dress with length 2 finger spaces above the knees with belt, black school shoes, plain white ankle socks, plain navy blue scarves (optional) hair to be neat NO streaks and blazer (Compulsory Throughout the year)
Winter Navy blue skirt with length below the knees, plain white shirt, school tie, navy blue scarves (optional), hair to be neat NO streaks and Navy stocking and blazer (Compulsory Throughout the year)
Jewelry Girls are only allowed to wear one pair of stud earings. No bracelets etc will be allowed. Boys are not allowed to wear any jewelry i.e. rings, bracelets etc
Learners obtaining W.P Colours will only be allowed to wear their Track Top and not the entire Tracksuit. All other Clothing and Jewelry will be confiscated.
- To attend all subject classes as per timetable. Non-attendance (bunking) is a breach of conduct.
- Not to smoke on the school premises or abuse substances of any kind either by consumption or distribution. Guilt of substance abuse carries mandatory attendance at a rehabilitation facility or disciplinary action such a suspension or expulsion.
- Respect for school property and be held responsible for any damages vandalism, graffiti etc. caused and face disciplinary action.
- Any absenteeism from school requires a written letter from the parents/guardians or a medical certificate. Letters must be signed with a contact number.
- Personal humiliation or threatening of another learner’s wellbeing is a breach of conduct.
- No visitation of friends to the school; or communication with unauthorized visitors to the school. Any visitor must report to the office for permission to be on the school’s premises.
- Non-performance of homework is not permissible and is a serious offence in terms of the learner/educator relationship. The latter has the right to term this a breach of conduct.
- Prefects must be obeyed in terms of the performance of their duties. Any disrespect or humiliation of the prefects is a breach of conduct.
- Any act by the learner that gives the school a negative image during school hours and after school hours whilst in school’s uniform is a breach of conduct.
- Not attending detention is a breach of conduct punishable by immediate suspension by the DC.
- Leaving the school’s premises for whatever reason without permission from the office is a breach of conduct.
- Causing disruption as a class that disturbs another class from learning is a breach of conduct. The entire class can be cited for this breach.
- All Learners should participate in at least ONE Sporting or Cultural activity of the school.
- The School (management) reserves the right to conduct drug tests.
- To adhere to the school policies of the school
- Admission Policy
- School Assessment Policy
- Measures to correct and discourage Misconduct
- Cell Phone Policy
- Substance Use/Abuse Policy
- Classroom Code Of Conduct
- Home Work Policy
- Etiquette Policy
- Internet and Mailing Policy
- Random Search and Seizure Policy