Congratulations Class of 2024 – 96,4 % pass rate

Congratulations Class of 2024 – 96,4 % pass rate

“After months of dedicating yourself to academics, balancing the little free time you had with much-needed rest and moments of joy, you did it! We are so proud of you and confident that your journey into adulthood will be embraced with an abundance of vibrancy and enthusiasm.”

“To those who did not make it, remember that you are not defined by exam results. Your journey is far from over—you’re simply taking a different route. Keep moving forward; your path will lead to growth and success in its own unique way.”

Well done !

Best wishes Class 2024- Rising sun on the horizon !

Best wishes Class 2024- Rising sun on the horizon !

Matric is not just a certificate; it is your gateway to a life filled with endless possibilities and abundance. It represents the culmination of years of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that you have developed over a transformative 12-year journey. You have the strength within you to reflect on this journey and apply what you’ve learned, with the Almighty guiding your steps every step of the way. This past year at Trafalgar has presented its challenges, both structural and emotional, but we believe you have given your all, just as we have strived to prepare you for this pivotal exam. Each paper you encounter is not merely a test; it is a seed planted in the garden of your future, nurturing the best version of yourself for a lifetime. With love and blessings from the Trafalgar Staff, we encourage you to embrace the journey ahead with unwavering courage and determination. Every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth and learning. As you embark on this new chapter, carry with you the invaluable lessons learned and the friendships forged. The world eagerly awaits your unique contributions and talents. Trust in yourself and the path you are on, for it is filled with boundless opportunities. You are destined for greatness, and we are honored to have been part of your journey. Keep shining brightly and let your dreams illuminate the way.
R12m Make Over at our school

R12m Make Over at our school

R12 Make Over at our school

A walk through the corridors of Trafalgar these days would see the usual scurrying of eager learners rushing from one class to another and teachers barking out orders to get in line.

But there is a lot more happening at the moment than just the core business of educating our youth.  Over the past few months, the school premises have been a hive of activity inside and out as tradespeople give the edifice a makeover.

Mission in Progress

Building Makeover Gallery

Humble Fond Farewell to Ms Karin Dedricks

Humble Fond Farewell to Ms Karin Dedricks


12 May 2024

Courtesy of  Warren Ludski

Trafalgar said a very sad goodbye last month to the person who has been an institution at the school for more than 40 years. Karin Dedricks, our secretary who has been the gateway to the school since 1981, pushed the button to set off the siren one last time on April 26 and walked out the door into retirement.

Mrs Dedricks – Karin to some and Aunty Karin to most – finished what she started as a fresh-faced 18-year-old at Cape Town’s most famous school.

For the full story visit Warren’s Blog

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